
Upgrading Romana on Kubernetes

Romana can be upgraded by simply updating the conatiner image used in the deployment and/or daemonsets.

kubectl -n kube-system set image deployment/romana-daemon romana-daemon=quay.io/romana/daemon:v2.0.0
kubectl -n kube-system set image deployment/romana-listener romana-listener=quay.io/romana/listener:v2.0.0

kubectl -n kube-system set image daemonset/romana-agent romana-agent=quay.io/romana/agent:v2.0.0

Upgrading the romana-agent requires the additional step of changing the “update strategy” from the default OnDelete to RollingUpdate.

This is done by running

kubectl -n kube-system edit daemonset romana-agent

Then changing OnDelete to RollingUpdate.

For upgrades from preview.3 to v2.0 GA, no etcd data migration is necessary.

Romana Command Line Tools

Since Romana is controlled via a cloud orchestration system, once it is installed and running requires little operational oversight. However, for certain adminstrative functions a CLI is provided.


The Romana CLI retains certain Romana v1.x elements, including commands to directly administer default (i.e. pre-defined) tenant and segment labels. An update to the CLI will soon be available that allows for dynamic label creation.

Romana command line tools provide a romana API reference implementation. They provide a simple command line interface to interact with Romana services.

Setting up CLI

./romana CLI uses a configuration file ~/.romana.yaml which contains various parameters for connecting to root service and root service port. A sample ~/.romana.yaml file looks as follows:

$ cat ~/.romana.yaml
# Default romana configuration file.
# please move it to ~/.romana.yaml
RootURL: ""
RootPort: 9600
LogFile: "/var/tmp/romana.log"
Format: "table" # options are table/json
Platform: "openstack"
Verbose: false

Basic Usage

Once a configuration is setup (by default the romana installer will populate the ~/.romana.yaml with a valid configuration), running the romana command will display details about commands supported by romana.

  romana [flags]
  romana [command]

Available Commands:
  host        Add, Remove or Show hosts for romana services.
  tenant      Create, Delete, Show or List Tenant Details.
  segment     Add or Remove a segment.
  policy      Add, Remove or List a policy.

  -c, --config string     config file (default is $HOME/.romana.yaml)
  -f, --format string     enable formatting options like [json|table], etc.
  -h, --help              help for romana
  -P, --platform string   Use platforms like [openstack|kubernetes], etc.
  -p, --rootPort string   root service port, e.g. 9600
  -r, --rootURL string    root service url, e.g.
  -v, --verbose           Verbose output.
      --version           Build and Versioning Information.

Host sub-commands

Adding a new host to romana cluster

Adding a new host to romana cluster should be done using static hosts and this feature is only avaiable here for debugging assistance.

romana host add [hostname][hostip][romana cidr][(optional)agent port] [flags]

Removing a host from romana cluster

romana host remove [hostname|hostip] [flags]

Listing hosts in a romana cluster

romana host list [flags]

Showing details about specific hosts in a romana cluster

romana host show [hostname1][hostname2]... [flags]

Tenant sub-commands

Create a new tenant in romana cluster

Creating a new tenant is only necessary on certain platforms like openstack (where the tenant has to exist previously on that platform), for platforms like kubernetes, tenants are created automatically and no command line interaction is needed in those cases.

romana tenant create [tenantname] [flags]

Delete a specific tenant in romana cluster

romana tenant delete [tenantname] [flags]

Listing tenants in a romana cluster

romana tenant list [flags]

Showing details about specific tenant in a romana cluster

romana tenant show [tenantname1][tenantname2]... [flags]

Segment sub-commands

Add a new segment to a specific tenant in romana cluster

Adding a new segment to a specific tenant is only necessary on certain platforms like openstack, for platforms like kubernetes, segments are created automatically and no command line interaction is needed in those cases.

romana segment add [tenantName][segmentName] [flags]

Remove a segment for a specific tenant in romana cluster

romana segment remove [tenantName][segmentName] [flags]

Listing all segments for given tenants in a romana cluster

romana segment list [tenantName][tenantName]... [flags]

Policy sub-commands

Sample Romana Policy

A sample romana policy is shown here.

Add a new policy to romana cluster

Adding policies to romana cluster involves them being applied to various backends like openstack VMs, Kubernetes Pods, etc for various platforms supported by romana.

romana policy add [policyFile] [flags]

Alternatively policies can be added using standard input.

cat policy.json | romana policy add

Remove a specific policy from romana cluster

romana policy remove [policyName] [flags]
Local Flags:
    -i, --policyid uint   Policy ID

Listing all policies in a romana cluster

romana policy list [flags]